Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Chihuly Installation at Kew Gardens.

Chihuly Installation at Kew Gardens.
Dale Chihuly installations at Kew Gardens. Some of them really are quite spectacular and worth a visit to see. Many of them are subtle and well camouflaged in the flora so you have to keep your eyes peeled.



Blogger Sam said...

I'm going to have to visit Kew in the spring - I visited Insel Mainau on Lake Constance and it had loads of ace flowers and stuff. Need to get those developed still.

16/11/05 14:16  
Blogger Jon said...

If you are visiting Kew let me know & we can met up.

I realised after you visited London last time that you took a coach and proably came into Victoria Station which is very near where I work.

If you do visit London again by coach let me know so that we can meet, I'll bring a camera :)

17/11/05 22:20  
Blogger Odge said...

They are fantastic jon.

18/11/05 11:47  
Blogger Jon said...

Cheers odd :)

Not as nice or atmospheric as your Cambridge photos. I think I have to work on my technique a lot.

18/11/05 13:21  

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