Wednesday, April 26, 2006


Mark sent me these - thought I'd share.

Found on eBay!

On the image below, focus on the dot in the centre and move your head towards and then away from the image.

Found on eBay!

Cool illusion.

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

More than a Month?

Has it really been more than a month since my last entry. Wow! It has, where has the time gone? So much has happened.

The main reason for my lack of blogging has been the fact that I have moved house. Apart from robbing me of a computer at home for a few weeks, the process has completely used up all of the time and energy that I had previously been using for blogging. Luckily the nightmare is almost over and I can see the light at the end of te tunnel.

I spent the whole Easter weekend painting, and as a consequence I should be done most of the painting in a few weels time :)

I have had some spare time in the last 5 weeks. I went to Vasa's birthday meal at Souk Medina. We went to the one at Short's Gardens this time. It was so much more comfortable than the one at Litchfield Street.

I also went out for a meal to celebrate Wing-Wah's birthday the following week at Nuovi Sapori on the New Kings Road. Great food. Absolutely fantastic steak.

More recently I went to the BAR Honda factory at Brackley. It was fantastic. The people there are really friendly and I had a tour of the facilities where they design and build the cars. Still not a BAR fan, but have a much better understanding of the cars and their design.

More later...